Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Every two weeks I wake up hating life.

Every other Tuesday morning I wake up hating my life because it's student worker time sheet day. This really should be a simple process, but it seems that most of the 33 students whose time sheets I approve seem to mess something up. I have to do it all by 12:30. And I dread it.

My saving grace is knowing that it is Double-Stamp Tuesday at Common Grounds. That means when I go get a cup of my most recent coffee addition, a No Bull, I get to stamps on my punch card. I'm currently three stamps away from my $3 off reward.

To make this particular Tuesday even better is the fact that it just started pouring down rain and I definitely didn't bring an umbrella to the office. Although it's grey and gross looking outside, i also know I won't be stepping into a lovely fall rain storm, but a humid mess.

Don't worry, life is still good. I have a great new dog, Baylor won their first conference game in 13 games, and is currently higher than A&M in conference standings. I love Baylor. I just hate Tuesdays- they are my new Mondays!


Mel Gruver said...

ok- I need you to know THREE things:

1) I am currently working on my ETSY shop and can't wait to check yours out too.

2)I can't WAIT to have coffee with you next week

3) if you go to
you can typ in your zip code, cell number, and time of day you prefer to be notified and it will text you on days that you need to bring an is pretty much amazing. Its always a nice surprise when I get a text, and it never fails.

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