Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What I've Been Doing. . .

Life has been good and busy! We are preparing for Baylor's Homecoming, which takes place the last weekend of October. Homecoming here is a big deal and thousands of Alumni descend on Waco to enjoy a weekend of festivities. For student life staff, the weekend starts weeks in advance. Each of the residence halls are charged with decorating the outside of their community for the weekend. A winner is determined from judging that happens on Wednesday. North Village won last year, and we are hoping to do so again. I have the Engineering and Computer Science Living Learning Center, so needless to say, they are creative and resourceful. This weekend they started building a paper mache bear that is 10 feet tall. I kid you not. There are some pictures from various work nights below. I'll be sure to post more as time goes on. You can also click on the link above to learn more about Baylor Homecoming.

I've also recently acquired a dog. Our Vice President and his family needed to give their dog away since they are rarely at home to care for him. He is a 6 year old Shiz Tzu/Poodle mix who's full name is Kentucky, but they called him Tuck for short. How fitting! Pictures of him are below as well.

Tonight is a meteor shower and some friends and I are going to drive to the country to watch it. We plan to bring blankets, dogs, and hot chocolate!

Til next time I hope you enjoy the show!


Kristine said...

You can have a dog in your apartment?! How cool :) Sounds like things are going well!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Baylor Homecoming is like CHRISTMAS is Texas. (I'm from UNT)

I ran across your blog from a Donald Miller search, and your words inspire me. Great Blog!


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